Welp this sure isn’t a great time to have an anxiety disorder 🙃

I was laid off last week, so I’ve lost the security of my supplemental income, which is pretty stressful. I also somehow accidentally knit my sock WIP into the sweater I cast on, so that wasn’t great. 

But hey, I’m choosing to look at this unexpectedly open schedule as the chance to revive my creative energy, and focus my attention on Knit Me full time—which has always been my goal. 

And I am extremely fortunate to be in good health, with a fully stocked pantry.  (Thanks mom 💕)

As for Knit Me,  I am taking all possible measures to limit any potential spread of the COVID-19 virus. I run Knit Me out of my house, where everyone has been in self-isolation without symptoms for at least two weeks, and we are all diligent about sanitization. Though WHO and the CDC have stated that there seems to be very little possibility of the virus spreading through shipments, I am packing the yarn wearing disposable gloves and working on a thoroughly cleaned surface. 

So while I am more than a little frazzled, the subscription boxes & kits are currently unaffected. 

But as always, if you have any questions or concerns, or want to brighten my day with pictures of projects you’ve made with my patterns, I’d love to hear from you!

Email or send a dm on Facebook or Instagram 💜